8-Hour Site Safety

5 (5 votes)

This course is required to renew a New York City (NYC) Department of Building’s (DOB) Site Safety Manager, Site Safety Coordinator or Construction Superintendent License. It is also required as part of the Local Law 196 Site Safety Training requirements for all workers and supervisors.
Provider ID Number: 4M60
Course Code: SST- B202
Language: English
Course Duration: 8 hours of training
CEU’s: 0.8

Objectives: Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
  • Learn how to navigate the DOB website to select appropriate Building Codes, New York City Rules, Bulletins and applications.
  • Identify the rules and regulations that were promulgated after serious construction accidents in New York City.
  • Choose safe work practices at their construction sites based on prudent decision-making.
  • Differentiate between OSHA standards and Chapter 33.
  • Understand code requirements for construction in NYC including standpipes, elevators, protections, sheds, stairs, egress, notifications, etc.
  • Understand Local Law 196.

  • SECTION1: Introduction
  • SECTION 2: Chapter 33 General
  • SECTION 3: Selected Definitions
  • SECTION 4: Safeguards & Maintenance of Sites
  • SECTION 5: Soils, Excavation & Underpinning
  • SECTION 6: Material Placement and Installation
  • SECTION 7: Demolition
  • SECTION 8: Protection of Pedestrians
  • SECTION 9: Protection of Unenclosed Perimeters
  • SECTION 10: Protection of Adjacent Property
  • SECTION 11: Major Buildings
  • SECTION 12: Scaffolds
  • SECTION 13: Structural Ramps, Runways and Platforms
  • SECTION 14: Hoisting Equipment (BC 3316)
  • SECTION 15: Material Hoists & Bucket Hoists (BC 3317)
  • SECTION 16: Personnel Hoists (BC 3318)
  • SECTION 17: Cranes & Derrick SECTION 18: Material Handling Equipment
For additional information, please contact us at 212-683-7200 or training@site-safety.com


Class Introduction - 8-HOUR SITE SAFETY
Initial ID Verification
Graded as Pass/Fail
Graded as Pass/Fail Please upload a picture of your ID and/or copy of SST card along with a headshot of yourself, to ensure proper identification of the individual prior to providing secure access to the online training. By submitting, you attest you are the person who will complete the 8 Hour Site Safety Course online training without assistance and in accordance to the requirements of the Administrative Code, the Rules of the City of New York, regulations, procedures and directives issued by the New York City Department of Buildings. Please note: Any wrongful or misleading information uploaded will automatically suspend your certificate and ability to take future online classes. Please allow 1-2 Business days to confirm identification of the individual prior to providing secure access to the online training.
New Course Name
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Open to view video.
Module 1: Class Introduction
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Open to view video.
Module 1 : Local Law 196: Renewing Site Safety Training Cards
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource.
Module 1: Quiz
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
Module 2: Chapter 33 General
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Open to view video.
Module 2 - Job Folders Samples - Toolbox talks
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Open to view video.
Module 2: Quiz
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
SECTION THREE: Selected Definitions
MODULE 3: Selected Definitions
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Open to view video.
MODULE 3: Quiz 1
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  10 minute limit  |  1/2 points to pass
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  10 minute limit  |  1/2 points to pass
SECTION FOUR: Safeguards and Maintenance of Site
Module 4: Safeguards and Maintenance of Site - Part 1 of 2
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Open to view video.
Module 4: Safeguards and Maintenance of Site - Part 2 of 2
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Open to view video.
Module 4 : Process Safety: Managing Risk in High-Hazard Sectors
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Open to view video.
Module 4: Quiz
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  10 minute limit  |  1/2 points to pass
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  10 minute limit  |  1/2 points to pass
SECTION FIVE : Soils, Excavation & Underpinning
Module 5: Soils, Excavation & Underpinning
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Open to view video.
Module 5: Common Hazards Associated With Excavations
Open to view video.
Open to view video. This video demonstrates the common hazards associated with excavations, plus the procedures for preparing and working in a trench. This is the full-length version; this video is also available in six segments.
Module 5: Trenching and Excavation Safety
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Open to view video.
Module 5: Quiz
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  1/2 points to pass
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  1/2 points to pass
SECTION SIX: Material Placement and Installation
Module 6: Material Placement and Installation
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Open to view video.
Module 6: Quiz
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
SECTION 7: Demolition
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Open to view video.
Module 7: Demolition and Cleanup
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Open to view video.
Module 7 : Asbestos Hazards in Renovations, Restorations, and Demolition
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Open to view video.
Module 7: Quiz
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
SECTION EIGHT: Protection of Pedestrians
Module 8: Protection of Pedestrians
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Open to view video.
Module 8: Quiz 1
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
SECTION NINE: Protection of Unenclosed Perimeters
Module 9: Protection of Unenclosed Perimeters
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Open to view video.
Module 9: Quiz
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  10 minute limit  |  1/2 points to pass
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  10 minute limit  |  1/2 points to pass
SECTION TEN: Protection of Adjacent Property
Module 10: Protection of Adjacent Property
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Open to view video.
Module 10: Quiz
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
SECTION ELEVEN : Major Buildings
Section 11: Major Buildings
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Open to view video.
Module 11 : Quiz
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
Module 12: Scaffolds
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Open to view video.
Module 12: Fall Prevention - Scaffolds
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Open to view video.
Module 12: Quiz
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
SECTION THIRTEEN: Structural Ramps, Runways and Platforms
Section 13: Structural Ramps, Runways and Platforms
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
Module 13 : Quiz
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
SECTION FOURTEEN: Hoisting Equipment (BC 3316)
Module 14: Hoisting Equipment (BC 3316)
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Open to view video.
Module 14: Quiz
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
SECTION FIFTEEN: Material Hoist and Bucket Hoists (BC 3317)
Section 15: Material Hoist and Bucket Hoists (BC 3317)
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Open to view video.
Module 15: Quiz
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
SECTION SIXTEEN: Personnel Hoist (BC 3318)
Module 16 : Personnel Hoist (BC 3318)
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Open to view video.
Module 16: Quiz
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
SECTION SEVENTEEN: Cranes and Derricks
Module 17: Mobile Crane Failures
Open to view video.
Open to view video. Mobile Crane Failures: Why Maintenance and Inspections Are Critical When crane inspection or maintenance is skipped or isn't thorough, critical parts can fail, with devastating effects.
Module 17: Derrick Inspections
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Open to view video.
Module 17: Cranes and Derricks
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
Module 17 : Quiz
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
SECTION EIGHTEEN: Material Handling Equipment
Section 18: Material Handling Equipment
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Open to view video.
Module 18: Quiz
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
2 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5 minute limit  |  2/2 points to pass
Key Takeaways
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Open to view video.
Construction Deaths in NYC
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
Class Assessment
20 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  60 minute limit  |  16/20 points to pass
20 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  60 minute limit  |  16/20 points to pass
Class assessment review
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
Course Debrief
5 Questions
Final ID Verification and Attestation
Graded as Pass/Fail
Graded as Pass/Fail Please upload a picture of your ID and/or Copy of SST card. By submitting this final ID Verification you attest you are the person who just completed the 8 Hour Site Safety Course online training without assistance and in accordance to the requirements of the Administrative Code, the Rules of the City of New York, regulations, procedures and directives issued by the New York City Department of Buildings. Please note: Any wrongful or misleading information uploaded will automatically suspend your certificate and ability to take future online classes.
Training Evaluation
1 Question
Certificate 8-Hour Site Safety Manager
No credits available  |  Certificate available
No credits available  |  Certificate available

What is the attendance policy?

  • Students must complete 100% of the course and actively participate in all learning activities.


What is the course passing grade?

  • Students must earn a 100% or more in their final exam in order to successfully complete the course.


What is the Course Policy? 

  • By registering for this class, the student attests that he/she is the individual who will receive the online access and will complete the training without an assistant. Student understands that any falsification of any statement may result in the revocation of the course completion certificate. Students may not change the material in any way, reproduce, publicly display, distribute, or otherwise use them for any public or commercial purpose. Any use of the materials on any other website or networked computer environment for any purpose is prohibited.


Audio / Visual requirements:

  • Students must have a working Camera/Microphone and internet in order to successfully complete the course


How long do I have from the time I purchase the class until the class is completed?

  • You have 90 days to complete the training from the time of purchase. If your time lapse you will lose the class and do not qualify for a refund


How quickly will i get my certificate of completion?

  • Once you finish your course and pass any required exams, you can print your certificate of completion right away.


When do I get my SST card?

  • Upon class completion please submit a copy of all your training certificates, SST card (for those renewing) to training@site-safety.com the SST process takes 2 business days, sometimes longer depending on the verification process. Please submit: Copy of your old SST card, Height and Eye color, and Mailing address


What if I need to contact someone after hours:

  • For additional information, please contact us at 212-683-7200 or training@site-safety.com.

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